Abutech Green House Solutions, a waste treatment company in Sierra Leone, is providing a clean and sustainable eco-friendly toilet to the people of Sierra Leone to avoid the risk of sanitation, and hygiene-related diseases.. Sanitation is a way of life that we practice in our homes,schools,and institutions. We have taken up the challenges for alternative hygienic toilet solutions by introducing the compost toilet system called the Bio-degradable toilet system. Since we introduced the system in 2019 during the Covid-19 pandemic today, a lot of Sierra Leoneans are benefitting by owning a sustainable toilet system that doesn't spread disease like the old conventional toilet system and pit-latrines
Our goal is sustainable toilet ownership for all Sierra Leoneans, owning a clean and comfortable toilet saves life and protects people's homes. Nearly 2.5 Billion people in the world do not have basic sanitation facilities, in the absence of toilet facilities or no access to toilets people have no option but to defecate in the nearby bushes,behind gutters and bodies of water. Such practice results in environmental pollution which spreads disease and leaves people's lives at risk. .
During our service in providing sustainable toilets in communities we have identified the reason why some people do not have access to toilet facilities. We want to share the experience with people who are willing to partner with us by fighting the challenges of inadequate sanitation especially in the remotest communities. For further information you can access our website, send us an email or call our number. We will share photos and information about how you can be part of our project in helping vulnerable communities own a toilet. Together we can ensure safe and clean sanitary practices which save life."Together We Can"